Come see him in the Arthur Sudyam Pavilion on Level 2! That’s 15,000 square feet — over 80 tables — featuring the acclaimed zombie artist. Get here early… we’ve heard the autograph line gets long fast!
Come see him in the Arthur Sudyam Pavilion on Level 2! That’s 15,000 square feet — over 80 tables — featuring the acclaimed zombie artist. Get here early… we’ve heard the autograph line gets long fast!
Hello RegionConners! Just a quick rumor-quash at the end of your workweek — our forums were recently buzzing like crazy about this, and both posts referenced a story about how Old Man Hoff was found hanged in the second floor Convention Center utility closet, which is why the carpet is stained in front of the door. This led to at least one potential attendee being concerned about invoking some kind of supernatural wrath.
First of all, there is no “Old Man Hoff!” The Convention Center is actually named for Edwin Hoff, a noted philanthropist and speaker. Mr. Hoff is alive and well, having tried for the past four years to block RegionCon from showing at the Hoff Convention Center.
And second, the stain on the carpet is dog blood, as attendees of RegionCon 2011 well remember. A stray mutt had wandered into the exhibit hall the night before we opened — even pups can’t resist RegionCon because it’s so doggone good!
The animal suffered a massive hemorrhage and bled out according to responding nuisance wildlife control officers.
So don’t cancel those tickets! RegionCon will be safe, hygienic fun for the whole family — and decidedly ghost-free.
UPDATE: The forum thread about the Hoff Convention Center being haunted was apparently a joke.
I was told I couldn’t bring three loaded handguns to the show, and that I would have to leave one of them at my hotel.
Better call SELMA! Dale Midkiff, who famously portrayed Captain Darien Lambert on the sci-fi series Time Trax, tweeted at RegionCon! And his gracious response has our hearts racing into infinity like one of the time-criminals his character tracked down and brought to justice!
@RegionConStaff no thank you
— Dale Midkiff (@DaleMidkiff_) July 16
We’ll keep our faithful RegionConites up to date on this major celebrity situation as it develops!
Women can play music! The girls of Two Clicks will perform Sunday in our Main Parking Lot during the scheduled gas line test. Come listen to whatever kind of songs Angela and Aubrey (sp?) do.
Saturday night’s RegionCon “MODOK” gathering has been cancelled. Here’s organizer Ben Tufts:
The “‘Make-Outs Designed Only for Kissing’ Post-Show Face Jam” has sadly been cancelled after the final word came down from the doctor about my flareup. Right now my sores have got Valtrex on the ropes — my medication is basically outnumbered. High viral load. If anyone is still in town around the 17th, we can reschedule.
Bummer news, Ben. On the bright side, there are plenty of other Saturday night event offerings, including the Epic Hallway Hangout Presented By Omega Blue Toys and Comics, which will convene in the Floor 2 Nap Area.
You bought every single one of the DVDs, books and toys — when it comes to the thing you love, shouldn’t you also have the right to make and sell your own merchandise of it? Guess what: you do! This informative panel shows you how enjoying a thing is the same as creating it — an idea you can literally take to the bank.
Wondering how to turn something you found on deviantArt into a 12-oz mug on Zazzle? Curious if you’ll get in trouble for Kickstarting a Harry Potter sequel? Unsure if two different pop culture properties belong on the same t-shirt? Then you just might find this panel to be more than meets the eye wibbly wobbly timey wimey turtle power.
Featured guests: Anthony Jurgett, opposite-of-a-lawyer
Thanks for your patience, everyone — we’ve finally received word back from the convention center staff regarding the men’s room closures that will be affecting your toilet-going experience the weekend of RegionCon.
Men’s restrooms that will not be in service:
Unfortunately, when checking to see if some women’s rooms could be temporarily converted, we discovered the convention center has none.
To “relieve” the matter as best we can, we’ve put in an order for four (4) portapotties to be on the grounds during convention hours. This rental will be expensive, so if you’d like to chip in, bring your donation dollars to the Volunteer Room and we’ll add your name to our “Friends of the Toilet” listing here on the website.
We ap-pee-ciate it!